
Choose Carefully.

In today’s generation people has lost the concept of Control, they feel like they can control the life, world itself but they can't even control their self.

Nowadays people's expectation are growing day by day and they are handing over their mental control into other’s hands. They don’t see that, that they are getting controlled by other’s behavior towards them. 

When we expect something from someone, and when expected things don’t happen we feel sad. This is how our emotions are controlled by others. We are giving someone the control of our emotion and ultimately the control of our mind.

And this is how people are controlled by other people.
In this world, to control our self is the greatest virtue. Because the world now is way more different than the way It used to be. People will use us as a ladder and will grow themselves. That does not stop here, but they not only grow but they will also ruin our growth. They show us the fake promises and move up the ladder and move on leaving us behind.

There is one thing we can't control and that is nature itself, so we have to adapt as nature changes. But we can control Our nature. We can control our self so that we don’t get influenced by others and we don’t fall into the trap.


You are just a decision away from a whole different life so think well before deciding. Being in self-control is a decision, and also being in someone's influence is also a decision.

You have your life and you should choose your own path to walk. Getting inspiration is one thing and getting influenced is other, choose your path carefully.

Only you can control yourself and don’t get charmed how other people live their lives. You didn't know what they are going through inside their head, and what they are showing off outside.

You have so much in control if you put your mind into it. Your thoughts, decisions, values, morals and what not. Always be sure that you're not getting controlled by others.

Once, my friend said
Free yourself by controlling your Mind and Emotions.

Drawing and Concept by
Yash Vakil


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